Links to other websites:
Gout initiatives in Aotearoa New Zealand
This guide is informed by previous gout improvement and research projects which have taken place over the last 20 years.
These projects include:
- Men’s Gout Pit Stop project at Bader Drive (Dr Gary Sinclair and Donna Snell)
- Multiple community clinics in Counties Manukau region (Dr Peter Gow and rheumatology staff)
- Multiple community and workplace clinics in different regions (Arthritis New Zealand)
- Ta Pasifika project (Nick Gow, Dr Peter Gow)
- Gout Happy Feet at Greenstone Clinic (Dr Bruce Arroll)
- 20000 Days project in 2013 surveying 200 patients in 2 different practices in Otara (Jack He and Peter Gow)
- Gout Stop programme in Northland (Dr Aniva Lawrence)
- Facilitating equitable prevention and management of gout for Māori in Northland, New Zealand, through a collaborative primary care approach
- Owning My Gout (OMG) programme in Counties Manukau (Diana Phone)
- Evaluation report by Synergia of Northland Gout Stop programme and Owning My Gout management programmes
- Webinar discussing evaluation report
Whānau Ora clinics Gout project (Dr Peter Gow, George Ngatai and Raewyn Bhana)
Programme at Kaikoura Healthcare (Professor Lisa Stamp)
- Goutbusters programme with pharmacies in Counties Manukau (Dr Natalie Gauld)
- Gout programme at Papakura Marae (Dr Leanne Te Karu)
- Pharmacy project in Porirua (Russell Cook and Arthritis NZ)
- Pharmacy project in Horowhenua (Gavin Hamblyn)
- Whanganui Regional Health Network GOUT STOP programme (Anne Kauika)
- Evaluation report for the Whanganui programme
- Study of Experiences and Perceptions of Tongan people diagnosed with gout living in South Auckland (Thelma Fatafehi-Finau) 2019 unpublished Master’s thesis
- Te Whatu Ora Te Matau a Māui Hawke’s Bay gout project (Melanie Te Whaiti)
- Mate Taihā – Gout Support
NIU (Nesians Improving Urate-lowering therapy) – an intervention to increase uptake of urate-lowering therapy for gout in Pasifika (Pacific Research Collective, University of Auckland (Samuela Ofanao)
- Design and implementation of a Pacific intervention to increase uptake of urate-lowering therapy for gout: a study protocol.
Ofanoa S, Ofanoa M, Tu’akoi S, Lutui H, Heather, M, McKree Jansen R, Dalbeth N, Grey C, Goodyear-Smith F. **Interventions designed to improve uptake of allopurinol for gout treatment in Aotearoa New Zealand – a scoping review** JPHC 2023;15(1):48-58.
Gout Action Aotearoa
This is a national group of researchers, health professionals and anyone interested in promoting better treatment for gout particularly for whānau Māori and Pacific peoples. The group meets irregularly on Zoom, usually once a quarter to catch up on various initiatives and strategies about how to change community awareness about the causes of gout and support different gout initiatives.
📨 Contact the co-ordinator Susan Reid: [email protected]