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Gout initiatives in Aotearoa New Zealand

This guide is informed by previous gout improvement and research projects which have taken place over the last 20 years.

These projects include:

NIU (Nesians Improving Urate-lowering therapy) – an intervention to increase uptake of urate-lowering therapy for gout in Pasifika (Pacific Research Collective, University of Auckland (Samuela Ofanao)

Ofanoa S, Ofanoa M, Tu’akoi S, Lutui H, Heather, M, McKree Jansen R, Dalbeth N, Grey C, Goodyear-Smith F. **Interventions designed to improve uptake of allopurinol for gout treatment in Aotearoa New Zealand – a scoping review** JPHC 2023;15(1):48-58.

Gout Action Aotearoa

This is a national group of researchers, health professionals and anyone interested in promoting better treatment for gout particularly for whānau Māori and Pacific peoples. The group meets irregularly on Zoom, usually once a quarter to catch up on various initiatives and strategies about how to change community awareness about the causes of gout and support different gout initiatives.

<aside> 📨 Contact the co-ordinator Susan Reid: [email protected]
